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Services Offered




1st Choice Employment Agency provides the following employment services:


EMPLOYMENT SERVICES: In this program, 1st Choice assists individuals with the tools and skills for a successful job search.  Individual career counseling facilitates the best match of interests, skills and experiences with an employer's needs. After employment is obtained, 1st Choice provides follow-up support for a  full year to maximize the likelihood of success in the job.


SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT: In this program, 1st Choice assists individuals who have limited or no work experience to identify appropriate job goals through the Discovery & Exploration process. While exploring potential job goals, individuals will participate in on-site job shadows and/or assessments to determine the best employment outcome. Once the job goal is identified, 1st Choice will assist in securing employment and will provide on-site job coaching until the individual is able to work successfully on their own. At that time, 1st Choice provides follow-up support for a full year to maximize the likelihood of long-term job retention.


1st Choice Employment Agency provides these services in the following counties: Audrain, Cole, Callaway, Camden, Osage, Miller, Moniteau and Morgan.


Services are CARF-accredited


Pre-Employment Tools

We’ll help you acquire all the tools you need to find the perfect job. Your Employment Specialist will assist in preparing a resume and references,  application worksheet, cheat sheet, etc. We will also prepare you for the interview by determining appropriate interview attire, grooming, jewelry, etc. as well as discussing cell phone and email etiquette. We also review and practice job-specific interview questions, 


Preparing for your next job is so much easier when you rely on 1st Choice Employment Agency. Contact us today and let us help you join the workforce.

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Finding The Job For You!

Your Employment Specialist will provide information on how to do a thorough job search, and provide on-going job leads that match your job goal. We also assist with completing applications, if necessary, as well as help with the "assessment questionnaires" that follow many on-line applications.


In addition, your Employment Specialist provides employer advocacy, bridging the gap to ensure that you will be able to perform the duties of the jobs for which you apply.


Soft Skills

We want to make sure that you’re successful in your job once it has been obtained.  This includes good punctuality and attendance, appropriate attire and grooming positive attitude, following work place safety guidelines and employer policies, and maintaining professional relationships with co-workers. At 1st Choice Employment Agency, we want you to succeed and won’t quit until you do.

(573) 635-9885 OFFICE

(573) 635-5584 FAX

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